Product Description
Application: Massive productions of surge arrester(MOA), either withporcelain or polymeric housing, are suitable in the systems ofpower generation,power transmission, power transformation.and power distribution under AC 220kV and below. They aremainly used to keep the amplitude of lighting impulse withstandvoltage and switching impulse withstand voltage to theprescribed level.
Operating Principle: Surge arrester is the most advanced over-voltage protector inthe world.lts core element, metal oxide varistor(MOV).Under the circumstance of normal operating voltage, the currentthrough the surge arrester is just on microampere degree. Whensuffered from over-voltage, the surge arrester's excellent non-linear characteristic will make the current through the surgearrester increase to several thousand amperes. And the surgearrester will be under the circulating state and release over-voltage energy so as to protecting the power transmissionequipment against the damage caused by the over-voltage.
Condition of Use:
Ambient air temperature within the range of-40ºC to +40ºC;
Altitude above sealevel not exceeding 2,000m;
Frequency of the A.C.power supply being 50Hz or 60Hz;
Power frequency voltage applied continuously between the terminals of the arrester not exceeding its continuous operating voltage;
Maximum wind speed not exceeding 35m/s;
The earthquakeintensity not exceeding 7 degrees.
Techincal Standard:
The technical confirms to lEC60099-4.
Product Parameters